Script Purchase Agreement

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Modèle de 'Script Purchase Agreement' à Télécharger, Maxence Abdelli, Juriste expérimenté (expériences en cabinet d’avocats, diplômé de l’EFB, double Master de Paris II), vous accompagne en toute confidentialité pour le support juridique gratuit sur ce document (par téléphone et email).Image

Plus de détails

Objet du Script Purchase Agreement


Script Purchase Agreement à Télécharger. Ce contrat est rédigé exclusivement en Anglais. Il importe cession des droits d’auteur d’un script complet (personnages, décors principaux, univers graphique …) créée par un auteur au profit d’un Cessionnaire / Producteur. 

Ce modèle de contrat permet au Cessionnaire d’exploiter le Script (et ses personnages) sous forme d’œuvres audiovisuelles ou cinématographiques ou de séries. Ce Modèle de Contrat emporte aussi cession des droits d’adaptation au profit du Cessionnaire. 


Clauses sensibles du Script Purchase Agreement


Ce modèle de Script Purchase Agreement encadre toutes les clauses sensibles de la cession de droits sur un Script :




























Exemples de Clauses du Script Purchase Agreement


The Writer shall write and deliver the Script not later than the date specified in the Agreement  or in the absence of such a date in accordance with a schedule to be agreed in writing between the Writer and the Producer.


The Writer shall carry out the commission to the best of the Writer’s ability (including adequate research and preparation where appropriate) in accordance with directions given by the Producer as specified in the Agreement  and in consultation with such person or persons as the Producer may direct and including both rewrites and minor revisions reasonably requested by the Producer from time to time.


If a Story Outline is required, based on a Format by a third party, the terms shall be set out in a letter agreement. The Writer shall be paid 10% of the Writer’s Fee for the Script (payable half on signature and half on delivery). The Writer shall be required not to disclose the contents of that Story Outline to a third party during any period in which the Producer is entitled to commission the Script. The payment shall be non-returnable and shall be on account of the Fee. …..


The Writer assigns to the Producer all rights including all intellectual property rights in the  Script for the purposes of making a [Film / Serie …] in [… Language] therefrom, for which the Author acknowledges that the Consideration payable to the Writer under this Agreement shall be good and valid. The Writer also confirms that he is assigning all the other rights in the work vested in him under the Laws of […..] to the Producer for him to exploit for monetary gains on platforms, media, formats and avenues outside of a cinema hall. However, the right to receive royalty for such exploitation is not assigned by the Writer to the Producer.


The Producer hereby agrees that it has read and approved the Premise (attached herewith) based on which the Writer shall commence writing the Story. It is the intention of the Parties to complete the Script by [provide mutually agreed time frame, for every draft. Total not less than six months.]


The Writer shall perform all his obligations hereunder promptly and in a diligent, conscientious, artistic and efficient manner to the Writer’s best ability.


The Writer confirms that during the term of this Agreement, he shall, on a priority basis, provide his time for performing his obligations hereunder. The Writer shall make himself available to the Producer during the pre-production and production of the Film on dates and at locations as mutually agreed. S/he shall travel at the cost of the producer.


Producer agrees that Writer shall be the sole writer of the Script. However in exceptional circumstances the Producer has the right to engage another writer of its choice at its own cost to cowrite or rewrite the Script. In the event of the Producer hiring such Co-Writer, Writer agrees to cooperate with the Producer and work alongside with the Co-Writer. It is hereby agreed between the Parties that the Producer shall not be entitled to terminate the contract of the Writer pursuant to this Clause.


Parties agree that the hiring of such Co-Writer shall in no way affect the right of the Writer to the entire Consideration due to him hereunder and to be credited first as the writer of the script, before the Co-Writer in the credits of the Film. If the position of the Writer’s name is to be changed, it shall only be done with the written consent the Writer. And, both parties agree, that there shall not be more than three names in the credits for each department of writing, respectively: Story,


The Writer agrees that creative inputs including but not limited to anything pertaining to the Script, may be subject to change by the Producer in consultation with the Writer, it however being agreed that in the event of any disagreement, the Producer’s decision shall be final and binding.


The Producer hereby agrees and is aware that the Consideration to be paid to the Writer pursuant to this Agreement is for first draft of each of Story Screenplay and Dialogue with a maximum of up to two (2) rewrites of each of Story, Screenplay and Dialogue. In the event the Producer requires more than two (2) rewrites for any of the Story, Screenplay and/or Dialogue, or the entire script, the Writer shall be paid 10% of the total fee for that element.


The Writer shall make himself available for the promotion and publicity of the Film on mutually agreed dates.


The Writer also agrees that in performing his role as a writer, the Writer shall work in cooperation with the Producer as well as the Director (if already appointed).







Format Agreement will be required where the Format has been provided by the Writer (or jointly by the Writer and the Producer).Where no Format Agreement is concluded at the time of Script commission both parties will enter good faith negotiations for such Format Agreement. Once a Format Agreement is agreed, then in the event of any conflict between the terms of this Agreement and the Format Agreement the latter shall prevail.


Whether or not a Format Agreement is required the Writer shall nevertheless retain all rights in any character dimensionally created by the Writer who appears in the Script except where the character is created in accordance with a detailed specific brief provided by the Producer where the Producer shall retain such rights. If the Producer wishes to make use of a character in which the Writer retains all rights in scripts written by other writers the Producer shall first come to

an agreement with the Writer as to the basis upon which such usage may be made. The Writer shall not make use of any such character of its Script.


The Producer acknowledges that there may be occasional circumstances where the Writer is commissioned under this Agreement to dramatise or adapt a source work and the commission requires the addition of substantial original.


The Producer will have the right without further payment to make and use (and authorise the making and use of) copies of the Script or recordings of the performance of the Script : for the private purposes of the Producer (including staff training) or for purposes necessary to give effect to this Agreement but without prejudice to the payment provisions hereof;  Transmission by the Producer of brief excerpts from the Scripts in programmes relating specifically to the history of the Producer; deposit, if the recording is considered of permanent interest, with the |National Archive Institution] and with similar archiveholding bodies for preservation purposes and for private study by bona fide students; showing at television and film festivals and award ceremonies and in accordance with the Agreement from time to time between the Performer’s

Alliance and the [Country] Film Institute; publicity and promotional purposes in all media now known or hereafter devised or discovered and for the purpose of technical trials ; making dubbings of the recordings into foreign languages and/or to add foreign language sub-titles for the purposes of effecting sales.




Within four weeks from delivery of the Script the Producer shall use its best endeavours to notify the Writer that the Producer:


a) Accepts the Script; or

b) requires rewrites to be undertaken by the Writer in order for Acceptance to occur (such rewrites to be within the ambit of the original brief to the Writer at the point of commissioning; or



the press (except in the case of Long Running Series). Where either the producer or director receives a credit online and in any Producer publicity handouts to the press in respect of an individual episode of a Long Running Series the writer shall receive similar credit.




By signing the Agreement  the Writer warrants that the Writer:


a) is or will be the sole author of the Script which is wholly original to the Writer (except to the extent that it is based on or relates to the work of third parties provided by the Producer) and does not infringe the copyright or any other right of any third party nor contain any defamatory statement or innuendo which if published in any form whatsoever might confer on any person firm or company a right of action or claim for damages (provided however that the Writer shall

not be liable for any defamatory matter which in the reasonable opinion of the Producer was included in the Script without negligence or malice on the Writer’s part);


b) is free to accept this engagement and has no commitments and will not make or accept any commitment which shall prevent the full rendering of the Writer’s services required to the Producer in accordance with this Agreement;






The Producer shall be entitled to license or sub-license any of the rights granted to it by the Agreement  and the benefit of the whole or any part of the Agreement …



Description de ce modèle de Script Purchase Agreement :  


- Téléchargement immédiat : oui 
- Format : Word 
- 25 pages 
- Mise à jour : Oui 
- Modifiable librement : Oui 
- Revente / Publication : interdite



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Script Purchase Agreement

Script Purchase Agreement

Modèle de 'Script Purchase Agreement' à Télécharger, Maxence Abdelli, Juriste expérimenté (expériences en cabinet d’avocats, diplômé de l’EFB, double Master de Paris II), vous accompagne en toute confidentialité pour le support juridique gratuit sur ce document (par téléphone et email).Image

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